I have been deeply engrossed in the issues surrounding myself and our world in regard to integrity and Character these last few weeks. It is something that I do believe is paramount right now in my inner and outer world. I define character as such, defining and embodying ones own set of values, principles and ideals. integrity is the amount and consistency that we live these values.
Principles are our chosen lines to live by, the things we will not cross, (as long as we have integrity) ideals are things that we live by and will never fully reach. Some examples of ideals are Honesty, Trust, Love, Intimacy, caring, vulnerability, things that a person will never have too much of. People can have character and little or no integrity. That looks like people who cannot keep their word, the end up not being trustworthy. Their boundaries appear to be weak and lacking in strength. A crook can have integrity but not necessarily a high developed sense of character. He may always steal, and manipulate consistently. These two energies go hand in hand. They are different, but when working together at a high level, communicate a sane and healthy developed person. I do believe a level of character is a direct measurement of one's sanity.
After looking deeply at myself, I have realized my own sets of ideals and principles have been long over-due for a re-evaluation. I have been in many ways living some principles based on myself as a 20 something year old man.
When was the last time you took a look at what really matters to you, and consciously decided to start making choices and decisions based on these new parameters. Doesn't many of our world leaders seem a bit adolescent to you? It appears to me they are stuck in an earlier time of their lives. Are they spiritual adults (much more than a chronological age) and basing their decisions on more than just doing what's right, as long as someone is watching. How about doing the right thing, even when no one is watching. How about taking into consideration as much as one can before making a decision? One based on the right thing for all without compromise? The adolescent inside gets crazy with this kind of responsibility. Black and white thinking cannot manage this type of decision. Our world is asking us to lift to this type of character. To do the right thing, because it IS the right thing.
I have realized that many problems I have been creating in my life are a direct result from a lack of Character and Integrity. If you are Honest and walk your principles, you will have Integrity, if your principles grow and change and are about you becoming more as a human, you will be developing a high level of Character. You will naturally move towards more love and more intimacy, caring, trust, vulnerability, humility, your growth will ask that of you. AND you will be willing and excited to do it. You can live a life with no problems.
When there are "holes" in your character, problems have an opportunity to manifest, because you have left an opening there. You will eventually create a problem, because growth will not allow you to not fill these holes, the reality is giving you an opportunity to fill them by giving you a living example to lead yourself into a deeper truth. You create your reality, Your character basis itself within those parameters. You would never be on the spot (negative situation) in any circumstance, if you find yourself there, you would immediately take responsibility and close that hole. Taking responsibility, and whatever internal measures needed to heal and recognize the lack there. You would not get caught in a lie, because you do not lie. By holding that perspective, you leave no place for that type of problem to occur. Therefore no problems. By your own design. If you could be forthright and honest enough to say what you have done, you will more easily move through a problem. This is where elegance begins, and struggle ends.