Saturday, October 23, 2010
I finally figured out why I have betrayed others.
When you are betrayed at a young age, which can look like one or both of your parents left, died or physically abused you, you probably have a really large betrayal in another life you are here to deal with. Betrayal causes you to not have trust fundamentally in your belief system. You act out a betrayal early in order to Learn the long division in a sense on how to be trusted, and to trust. As a Shaman, I do know i have had several lifetimes where I was betrayed and am learning to heal those in this one. As well as the damage those lessons have manifested in this lifetime, to myself and others.
When we come into this life with lessons of betrayal, we will create it very early in life. For me it was my mother, she did not ever feel comfortable with me, we didn't click from day one. I could not feel that fundamental connection that mothering, unconditional love, that she, or the mothering figure communicates to us in physical form. Fathers are about that ability to earn love.
My mother saw me as a spitting image (appropriate definition here) of my father. (41 years later she cringes at the thought of him, he left her with two kids and no job skills, or even a drivers license for that matter) My mother and father also had some history with their parents around betrayal. Her betrayal reinforced deeply by the age of 23. Never healed.
So, she continues to attempt to betray, not understanding her role in it, a victim to other's acts of separation.
Betrayal is basically a deep separation, that has scared us, mostly our Unconscious, our sub-conscious showing us the scar by repeating the patterns of betrayal. Small ones, large ones, catastrophic ones.
In every relationship thus far, I have been betrayed and I have betrayed.
I now finally understand my own dynamic, to stop something that seemed impossible at first, because the reality keeps telling you to not trust, you'll never be loved, and get out before you get hurt.
So I gave myself away, ( it's not loved anyway), don't trust the love coming in, (because I'm not being my real self, if you knew it, you would stop), do all of this at a certain arm's distance. (because I know you will see me through the gaps of my illusion and eventually leave).
The other in the relationship just stays confused to some degree and cannot trust either, although they won't totally know why, because everything looks and sounds good. One betrayer will usually find another. It just works so nicely together reinforcing each other's pain.
Now comes the negative ego. In order to survive a betrayal, you must also need a tremendous will, if you did not have that you would surely die. The pain to get through this is too immense to do it without the will to live and survive. Negative Ego (N.E.) takes your will and uses it against you in an attempt to keep you small, keep you in chains. It is always your enemy. So it convinces you over time, you know how to get something done, you know how to will it with choice. So you do, with a certain amount of ease and grace, you know you are strong, you are, but in certain areas you are not and your N.E. knows it, and knows where you can be had. In issues of trust when you have a betrayal, it will convince you to just "choose to be trusted and trustworthy". It knows you don't have the resources for that kind of trust, at least mine did.
Here is the tricky part: You do not have an internal basis for trust, you have not gained or learned it from the mothering figure, that choice is empty. There is no weight of experience behind it. It is as if you want to lose 30 pounds and you say I want to lose 30 pounds and you don't know what you do to lose it, so it stays. There are no secondary choices in place to make it real. What other choices need to be in place? Perhaps exercise, altered eating, or just different belief structures about what you are eating, all these choices must be based in your current beliefs, your subconscious will adhere to those. Those also can be changed for more ease and elegance, but that is another blog entry.
How many things do you understand in life, where you just choose it and it happens?
By this I mean; in a three dimensional reality,(which we live in) it takes length, width and depth for something to exist. One choice is the basis for a point in space. What choices are around it to make it have substance? It is the other choices that reinforce the first choices existence. One choice cannot live/survive on its own. More choices equals greater depth, greater significance, greater mass, greater meaning. In places where you can make a choice and it sticks, it's because you have a fundamental understanding, an internal map where the other choices are already in alignment with the primary choice, unconsciously.
When you are dealing with something you are not good at, or have no internal structure for and you think, (Like I usually get many things done with a single choice) or your N.E. says, "yea, you can choose that and get'er done" and you just choose, you will not create that reality. You have no Unconscious internal structure for the choice to be more real, so it dwindles and loses it's power. and you create what looks like a breach or a still-born reality, you are not successful, and your esteem takes a hit, and your N.E. wins again. You are diminished. Your positive ego (self-esteem is diminished in a failure of choice) It is not something is "wrong", it is it will take a greater level of responsibility and understanding to make it so.
With Betrayal, you have been wounded, you are arrested internally, you did not gain trust, you did not learn the grounded reliability in Love, how it looks and tastes and feels to trust, to feel you could lean. You learn to be self-absorbed, possibly narcissistic to some degree. Because those can be symptoms of pain, of dis-trust. A compensation for its lack.
If you are a betrayer, you most likely are trying to learn the long-division of this dynamic, you can turn this weakness into an immense strength, because it will be conscious, you will have to understand all its aspects to make it so. It now has a potential to be rock-solid. It is your path to learn it, why else would you be creating/living/responding to it?
So, it will be an individual experience. It will be all the secondary thoughts and feelings, sensations that reinforce your choice to be trustworthy. To hold your line for love. Where are the arenas where you wave off your choice to be stable, is it in your "normal" everyday interactions with the other gender? (or the same), how do you not create security for the other, does the other use control to try to get you to "do" certain things that would communicate security for them? Maybe things you think are OK, are really keeping you away, you must see your own dynamic here, no more examples will make sense, you have to find the places you do not create security and trust in the other, we will all do that differently. This is the very basis of responsibility (respond-ability). Just look for the places you rationalize your behaviors around another, where do you blame them? You can do this, I did it and so can you, heal yourself, be yourself.
America and the New Freedom
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(Sorry the original photo was removed by Yahoo)
To Most of the people in my email list. This photo was taken by my friend Wendy at a rally at the state capitol yesterday. The news will not show it and the Capitol Police and Homeland Security would not let Americans or any of the Veterans that were there do anything about it. My husband and his friends were threatened to be arrested and were told they would be booked under federal charges if they did anything. I am sending this to you so that you in turn can start emailing it to every one on your list. It is totally uncalled for and people need to see it. This is not about politics and rhetoric, it is about a direct threat to our country. Those of you that don't live in Arizona will maybe get a chance to see the other side of what the news is telling you. If this offends you great, than I have truly accomplished what I set out to do.
I understand that sometimes we don't see eye to eye on certain things, but that is the right our forefathers fought for. I am an American before I am anything else. For those of you who choose to dismiss this I am truly sorry that our association must stop here. You can delete me from your facebook or from your email because if you believe that this is okay I believe you are a traitor to this country and everything it stands for. I am not a racist and I am not a Nazi this has nothing to do with race, it has to do with respect to the country that is continually taking you in and turning a blind eye to your agenda.
Homeland Security was designed to identify and defend America from Terrorist acts yet yesterday it let illegal and legal citizens of this country desecrate the Flag. People were spitting on it, stomping on it and burning it with cigarettes. One soldier who had just returned from Iraq tried to grab the flag and was thrown to the ground by the Capitol Police and Homeland Security.
It amazes me how many people will stand against the American People while all the while prospering from our system and our government.
This was my response,
It is disappointing what is going on. The force behind all this in either direction is not the answer, the answer has not shown itself yet. We are stuck in a dark paradox where we have the right, the right to shit, hate and demonstrate our feelings for ourselves. (Adolescent mind sets will begin to physically demonstrate when the are distressed) As well as the right to protect our values and beliefs. Domination ultimately doesn't work. You see it in the medical field in regard to diseases, super viruses are the effects of viruses mutating in order to live, stronger basically because the force of how we try to defeat and destroy them. They are stronger than they were,because of how we deal with them, now getting too strong for the same means of getting rid of them, everything wants to live. We must calmly start doing the right thing, our country lacks a tremendous amount of character. something that made us great in the first place. We Created a new way to be in the world. That was an immense act of character. All the control we started exerting with our power, (somewhere around WW2) we were doing to "make democracy safe for the world", (control is the antithesis to love and creativity, didn't we start this country based on the love of these things?) not bad, we just don't know who we are anymore, it's time to re-evaluate, take back as much of our basic freedoms that we have lost over time, (given the opportunism our own system created, by NOT being responsible with our freedoms and desires for it) Two of our basic gifts as Americans are being free and merciful, (symbol of the eagle), we must not lose anymore of this. It will not/cannot be by force this time. That was an old way of dealing. One person, Timothy Mc Veigh, shut the country down single handedly, we cannot defeat this kind of enemy with force and control. We need a new way, and elegant means of creating a place where these things just do not grow. It will mean coming up with a new design to what is freedom, not freedom without responsibility (what so much of this current stuff is), but a new freedom with a deeper sense and understanding of what freedom really is, the ability to act. More (deeper) responsibility takes all considerations into account and then acts, there are answers to everything, we must uncover the right and true answers to be free, for all ideas and aspects to exist, not a simple task, but it is exactly the one we in our greatness are being called on to do. And we will succeed. Fear choices will deteriorate our belief structure. Fear breeds mediocrity, we are most definitely in fear at this time.
I am on the side of success, and finding the right answers, I do not advocate either side in this, I see it as the two sides of the same coin, neither are on the track for/of success, both will fail, and destroy this country trying to prove who is right. (It is also why our system was based in a three tiered government, checks and balances) We are technically fighting ourselves. This is about choice and freedom, deeper freedom with responsibility, not right and wrong. America cannot afford to express,"the means justifies the ends" mentality any longer. I love this country so much, I see what makes us great and how to keep our greatness, I just don't see anyone doing the right thing yet. I am, that is all I can do, be one voice holding a torch for all I see us to be, and hope others will see it. I hope you can hear my point and love me as a friend. I would never do anything to hurt this country, but I would not chance to die for it again either. i so want to see us great again, inspiring the world with hope and freedom, grace and compassion, mercy and respect for all thinking. I know we have the ability, it was given to us in our own construction,(constitution) will and can we see it a new?
(Sorry the original photo was removed by Yahoo)
To Most of the people in my email list. This photo was taken by my friend Wendy at a rally at the state capitol yesterday. The news will not show it and the Capitol Police and Homeland Security would not let Americans or any of the Veterans that were there do anything about it. My husband and his friends were threatened to be arrested and were told they would be booked under federal charges if they did anything. I am sending this to you so that you in turn can start emailing it to every one on your list. It is totally uncalled for and people need to see it. This is not about politics and rhetoric, it is about a direct threat to our country. Those of you that don't live in Arizona will maybe get a chance to see the other side of what the news is telling you. If this offends you great, than I have truly accomplished what I set out to do.
I understand that sometimes we don't see eye to eye on certain things, but that is the right our forefathers fought for. I am an American before I am anything else. For those of you who choose to dismiss this I am truly sorry that our association must stop here. You can delete me from your facebook or from your email because if you believe that this is okay I believe you are a traitor to this country and everything it stands for. I am not a racist and I am not a Nazi this has nothing to do with race, it has to do with respect to the country that is continually taking you in and turning a blind eye to your agenda.
Homeland Security was designed to identify and defend America from Terrorist acts yet yesterday it let illegal and legal citizens of this country desecrate the Flag. People were spitting on it, stomping on it and burning it with cigarettes. One soldier who had just returned from Iraq tried to grab the flag and was thrown to the ground by the Capitol Police and Homeland Security.
It amazes me how many people will stand against the American People while all the while prospering from our system and our government.
This was my response,
It is disappointing what is going on. The force behind all this in either direction is not the answer, the answer has not shown itself yet. We are stuck in a dark paradox where we have the right, the right to shit, hate and demonstrate our feelings for ourselves. (Adolescent mind sets will begin to physically demonstrate when the are distressed) As well as the right to protect our values and beliefs. Domination ultimately doesn't work. You see it in the medical field in regard to diseases, super viruses are the effects of viruses mutating in order to live, stronger basically because the force of how we try to defeat and destroy them. They are stronger than they were,because of how we deal with them, now getting too strong for the same means of getting rid of them, everything wants to live. We must calmly start doing the right thing, our country lacks a tremendous amount of character. something that made us great in the first place. We Created a new way to be in the world. That was an immense act of character. All the control we started exerting with our power, (somewhere around WW2) we were doing to "make democracy safe for the world", (control is the antithesis to love and creativity, didn't we start this country based on the love of these things?) not bad, we just don't know who we are anymore, it's time to re-evaluate, take back as much of our basic freedoms that we have lost over time, (given the opportunism our own system created, by NOT being responsible with our freedoms and desires for it) Two of our basic gifts as Americans are being free and merciful, (symbol of the eagle), we must not lose anymore of this. It will not/cannot be by force this time. That was an old way of dealing. One person, Timothy Mc Veigh, shut the country down single handedly, we cannot defeat this kind of enemy with force and control. We need a new way, and elegant means of creating a place where these things just do not grow. It will mean coming up with a new design to what is freedom, not freedom without responsibility (what so much of this current stuff is), but a new freedom with a deeper sense and understanding of what freedom really is, the ability to act. More (deeper) responsibility takes all considerations into account and then acts, there are answers to everything, we must uncover the right and true answers to be free, for all ideas and aspects to exist, not a simple task, but it is exactly the one we in our greatness are being called on to do. And we will succeed. Fear choices will deteriorate our belief structure. Fear breeds mediocrity, we are most definitely in fear at this time.
I am on the side of success, and finding the right answers, I do not advocate either side in this, I see it as the two sides of the same coin, neither are on the track for/of success, both will fail, and destroy this country trying to prove who is right. (It is also why our system was based in a three tiered government, checks and balances) We are technically fighting ourselves. This is about choice and freedom, deeper freedom with responsibility, not right and wrong. America cannot afford to express,"the means justifies the ends" mentality any longer. I love this country so much, I see what makes us great and how to keep our greatness, I just don't see anyone doing the right thing yet. I am, that is all I can do, be one voice holding a torch for all I see us to be, and hope others will see it. I hope you can hear my point and love me as a friend. I would never do anything to hurt this country, but I would not chance to die for it again either. i so want to see us great again, inspiring the world with hope and freedom, grace and compassion, mercy and respect for all thinking. I know we have the ability, it was given to us in our own construction,(constitution) will and can we see it a new?
"You can always count on Americans to do the right thing - after they've tried everything else."— Winston Churchill
With Love and respect,
With Love and respect,
America and the New Freedom
(Sorry the original photo was removed by Yahoo)
To Most of the people in my email list. This photo was taken by my friend Wendy at a rally at the state capitol yesterday. The news will not show it and the Capitol Police and Homeland Security would not let Americans or any of the Veterans that were there do anything about it. My husband and his friends were threatened to be arrested and were told they would be booked under federal charges if they did anything. I am sending this to you so that you in turn can start emailing it to every one on your list. It is totally uncalled for and people need to see it. This is not about politics and rhetoric, it is about a direct threat to our country. Those of you that don't live in Arizona will maybe get a chance to see the other side of what the news is telling you. If this offends you great, than I have truly accomplished what I set out to do.
I understand that sometimes we don't see eye to eye on certain things, but that is the right our forefathers fought for. I am an American before I am anything else. For those of you who choose to dismiss this I am truly sorry that our association must stop here. You can delete me from your facebook or from your email because if you believe that this is okay I believe you are a traitor to this country and everything it stands for. I am not a racist and I am not a Nazi this has nothing to do with race, it has to do with respect to the country that is continually taking you in and turning a blind eye to your agenda.
Homeland Security was designed to identify and defend America from Terrorist acts yet yesterday it let illegal and legal citizens of this country desecrate the Flag. People were spitting on it, stomping on it and burning it with cigarettes. One soldier who had just returned from Iraq tried to grab the flag and was thrown to the ground by the Capitol Police and Homeland Security.
It amazes me how many people will stand against the American People while all the while prospering from our system and our government.
This was my response,
It is disappointing what is going on. The force behind all this in either direction is not the answer, the answer has not shown itself yet. We are stuck in a dark paradox where we have the right, the right to shit, hate and demonstrate our feelings for ourselves. (Adolescent mind sets will begin to physically demonstrate when the are distressed) As well as the right to protect our values and beliefs. Domination ultimately doesn't work. You see it in the medical field in regard to diseases, super viruses are the effects of viruses mutating in order to live, stronger basically because the force of how we try to defeat and destroy them. They are stronger than they were,because of how we deal with them, now getting too strong for the same means of getting rid of them, everything wants to live. We must calmly start doing the right thing, our country lacks a tremendous amount of character. something that made us great in the first place. We Created a new way to be in the world. That was an immense act of character. All the control we started exerting with our power, (somewhere around WW2) we were doing to "make democracy safe for the world", (control is the antithesis to love and creativity, didn't we start this country based on the love of these things?) not bad, we just don't know who we are anymore, it's time to re-evaluate, take back as much of our basic freedoms that we have lost over time, (given the opportunism our own system created, by NOT being responsible with our freedoms and desires for it) Two of our basic gifts as Americans are being free and merciful, (symbol of the eagle), we must not lose anymore of this. It will not/cannot be by force this time. That was an old way of dealing. One person, Timothy Mc Veigh, shut the country down single handedly, we cannot defeat this kind of enemy with force and control. We need a new way, and elegant means of creating a place where these things just do not grow. It will mean coming up with a new design to what is freedom, not freedom without responsibility (what so much of this current stuff is), but a new freedom with a deeper sense and understanding of what freedom really is, the ability to act. More (deeper) responsibility takes all considerations into account and then acts, there are answers to everything, we must uncover the right and true answers to be free, for all ideas and aspects to exist, not a simple task, but it is exactly the one we in our greatness are being called on to do. And we will succeed. Fear choices will deteriorate our belief structure. Fear breeds mediocrity, we are most definitely in fear at this time.
I am on the side of success, and finding the right answers, I do not advocate either side in this, I see it as the two sides of the same coin, neither are on the track for/of success, both will fail, and destroy this country trying to prove who is right. (It is also why our system was based in a three tiered government, checks and balances) We are technically fighting ourselves. This is about choice and freedom, deeper freedom with responsibility, not right and wrong. America cannot afford to express,"the means justifies the ends" mentality any longer. I love this country so much, I see what makes us great and how to keep our greatness, I just don't see anyone doing the right thing yet. I am, that is all I can do, be one voice holding a torch for all I see us to be, and hope others will see it. I hope you can hear my point and love me as a friend. I would never do anything to hurt this country, but I would not chance to die for it again either. i so want to see us great again, inspiring the world with hope and freedom, grace and compassion, mercy and respect for all thinking. I know we have the ability, it was given to us in our own construction,(constitution) will and can we see it a new?
"You can always count on Americans to do the right thing - after they've tried everything else."— Winston Churchill
With Love and respect,
With Love and respect,
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