Saturday, January 2, 2010


Today I took another level of responsibility in the world, it was time to separate a group of attitudes and beliefs from myself, ie: The consensus. To be a candle flicker outside, to live and illuminate from a new perspective.

I decided to free write today beginning my first sentence with, "My image of "us" as Human Beings is...". This was not for public or even sharing purposes, it was an exercise in Sub-conscious expression. No holding back, anything. Wow, talk about having some epiphanies about how I really see the world. I was amazed at how I believe we/I operate. Included in my perception was how the news portrays us, parents, religions, governments, authorities, different systems etc. All of that right out of my own psyche. I now have a greater understanding of why the world keeps fitting into an old outdated way of seeing it. Why the cry for change has gone mostly unattended. One at a time we must remove ourselves from being driven by outside influences. As it has wisely been said, Nothing Changes Until YOU Do.

I wanted to really get down to the essence of what I had written, so, I broke that down, condensed it to a paragraph, down to a sentence and down to a word. Energetically I am creating a word that holds the energy of my Image, (all my writing from my sub-conscious, defined) the word that came to me and my writing was, Estranged. Huh...

That sounded and felt really right. So much of this at the root of so many of my attitudes, even at it's core my manipulating God, by ME turning my back to them.

–verb (used with object), -tranged, -trang⋅ing.
1. to turn away in feeling or affection; make unfriendly or hostile; alienate the affections of
share the sense of causing (someone) to turn away from a previously held state of affection, comradeship, or allegiance. Estrange often implies replacement of love or belonging by apathy or hostility

When push came to shove, I have always turned away from love, chosen independence and self-reliance in lieu of receiving from my Self, others and my Soul. I would rather push something away, than be rejected by it.

This is what I have done, much of my life. Not absolutely, I function very well as most would agree, but to move myself to a new level of how to see and function in the world was a constant battle of will, choosing the new direction again and again. This old mentality constantly returning me to a degree of separation, in my own negative judgmental, internal whining (at God, more manipulating like a child) to WHHHY doesn't it CHAAANGE!?? I could never stay (sustain) truly Intimate. With people, places or things. They scare me, because of how I keep seeing the world. My past has shown me they will eventually let me down or worse yet hurt me. Dropping that shizzle today. NEW DEAL.

The world (in short,lol) looked angry, unsafe, without support, separated, difficult, overexerted, alone, without compassion and wounded.

How many of us might be holding that same structure as we look for change?

My NEW word is Accept.

1. to take or receive (something offered); receive with approval
or favor: to accept a present; to accept a proposal.
2. to agree or consent to; accede to: to accept a treaty; to accept an apology.
3. to respond or answer affirmatively to
4. to undertake the responsibility, duties, honors, etc.,
5. to receive or admit formally
6. to accommodate or reconcile oneself to
7. to regard as true or sound; believe: to accept a claim.

to regard as normal, suitable, or usual.

I Accept my connection to all that is, and the gift of being human. My Life can be an open, loving, connected, joyful expression of my humanness. I can live as an individual, and feel completely supported, in a painless, carefree, caring, vulnerable, and intimate with all parts of my life. It goes on, But you get the idea, sounds better doesn't it? I am doing this, You can too.
It takes a perspective shift AND a re-program to be elegantly long-term.

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