Saturday, November 20, 2010

I Should have written this prior to my last post...

After attempting to write my last post I almost quit about three times. When I heard myself doing what I teach against. i have around 20 posts in different written stages because I keep having difficulty keeping them short and some of my topics are a bit "heady". I want to quietly teach, I have a lot of Love and knowledge and want to share them. I have limited myself in my own perfection, and have to change this pattern. I may not write clearly at first, or they may be too long, I will learn and I will continue to share with a greater vulnerability, so I will share them, even if they are not perfect, I hope you will at least feel I care and I have wanted and learned how to give real answers to not so real problems. Please ask me to clarify if you need me too.
Thanks for your time, patience, and your desire to change.
my very best,

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