Tuesday, November 23, 2010

The Law of Resonance

I was asked by someone to re-open a conversation about resonance, ("vibration") So I decided to write it here. I think this is invaluable information for anyone who is on an accelerated path.

The Law of Resonance states;

If/When two vibrations of different frequencies meet they will do one of three things

1- One vibration will lift to the other's frequency
2- One vibration will lower to the other's frequency
3- Each will come to some harmony (to harmonize) in between the two frequencies

What does this have to do with healing?
In the hands of a conscious being? (not even an adept conscious being, just "aware" enough)


One of the issues people seem to have with L & R (logical and reasoning) thinking when it pertains to healing is, in order for something to be "fixed" you must fix it all. This is totally not true. You actually don't have to "fix" anything. All one has to do is create an environment for healing and the person will heal elegantly on their own. A higher resonance field will lift whatever is lower than it. By the laws of resonance, every healer practices this, every modality in it's own way heals with this. The other aspect a GREAT healer deals with, and has mastered is the logic and reason of time. When you can in essence put down time, and break it's binds on your mind, you can compress weeks of healing into a moment. Because Time is also an Illusion.

Some examples of resonance at play;

When a person is angry and you can keep yourself calm, their intensity will calm faster than when you contribute to it. It is difficult to keep that intensity alone, they have to also fight against your resonance, being they are unconscious at the moment, they will come down, (provided you are honestly calm) unless of course you are being condescending, then you will lift them.

When a person is hurting or sad, and you can stay cheerful and filled with hope for them, you will "lift their spirits"

In the arena of resonance healing, Red Roses are the highest natural plant healing vibration we have on the planet.

Music is a very easy to experiment with resonance/vibrations, hit two keys, two strings any two notes, listen to them harmonize.
A Chord is a three note harmonization. A chord is a synergy, that is greater than the sum of it's parts.

The paradigm shift we are in the middle of, is moving from a "Cause and Effect" reality into a "Resonance Causation" reality.
In Physics, Cause and Effect (Descartes' physics) as a way the universe is explained was disproven about 100 years ago now. The problem is, most people do not have the Will/imagination to imagine it any different. The old idea of Cartesian physics is easy to imagine, so we still put our beliefs in it. Even though it is not correct. This shows how powerful our beliefs really are. We can measure the universe anyway we want, even incorrectly. It will comply until the idea itself cannot survive any more expansion, then problems in dis-harmony result, stress and disharmony is nothing more than a belief that is having trouble surviving your own growth. I will write more on theImagination in a future blog. It is a pivotal key in our evolution, especially at this time, when this critically powerful reality tool has been so degraded and disempowered to "just" an imagination. As I Always say,
"imagination is more powerful than Knowledge". A play off of Albert Einstein's comment.

The physical color spectrum vibrates at a specific light frequency, infra-red to ultra-violet, the physical colors we actually see are from red to violet, that's the limitation of what can be seen. Everything you see, hear, touch, taste, and smell are all functions of your limitations. All these colors along with their vibration correspond to energy centers in your body, called Chakras. These tones and corresponding colors also correspond to all body systems, functions, and skeletal structures. You are one big individual tone, of all your experiences, past, present, and future vibrating to your own tone in the universe, your individual signature. Healing will move more and more in this direction, it is the more complex truth. Evolution is about lifting to a greater complexity, as does all examples of atoms, molecules, chemistry, mineral, Plant, animal, human. They all lift to the next Vibration (complexity) Which can also be seen as the next Octave. Doe Rae Mi Fa So LA Ti--- Doe again, the next level, and around it goes into the inaudible. 7 is the number of process, all things begin and end in a process, a wave function, a vibration. Ok, I'm gonna stop right here. Did that help?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. WHOA! Very interesting! So then...what I got from all this is...don't concern myself with giving myself an epic "cat-scan"(e.g., freewriting obsessively) until I've cleared all my subconscious karma out- just find or create an environment for it? Which sounds great....however, we are always (usually) moving around throughout the day, week, etc.

    I've been to healing environments tons of times though, and yet we still say "but life is a process". That seems to contradict the whole "healing in a moment" rather than in a week to me, no?
    I see a lot of fascinating information.....but upon reading this and then saying "Whoa...okay that makes sense", my question is then what do I do with that "sense"? IN other words, What makes this exciting for me(other than your wonderful healing energy), is the powerful hope of applying the content to TRUMPING the process-orientation of life.

    And maybe going to buy some red roses which I might do tomorrow :)


  3. -BECAUSE we move around during the day and week, I meant the changing of environments for people can easily reduce the sustainability of the healing. We have incarnated to GROW....and Enlightenment doesn't occur in an always-tranquil "healing" haven. It takes place out in "harsh" reality teaching citizens what we've learned ourselves.
