Wednesday, December 8, 2010


Choice is seminole to all growth and to all change.
This statement holds so many truths it is hard to fathom the magnitude of it in it's simplicity.
Physical reality IS about learning how to choose, all of it.
You come in to this life vulnerable and completely deserving, you go after all of your desires, and expect them to be filled. As you learn you have power,(about 18 mos- 2 yrs, when your soul separates you emotionally from mother) your first ability and experience is usually in/with the word "no". You say no to everything, watching the world change around you in an instant with a single choice. Powerfully fascinating! As you develop you learn to give way to your choices for many different reasons, Basically Authority Figures diminish your capacities, with shame,("not deserving"), many of their own "No's", many of these"no's" appropriate some of them (their own past projections about their not deserving) not so, in teaching you the ways of "their" world.

I have been reading articles, even watching "Ted Talks" about how choice is not always easy to deal with, even going as far to say there are just too many, they create "too much anxiety". I couldn't disagree with any of this more. It is amazing how far we can go in denying the power, our given right, to choose. Something Inherent to Americans, in my opinion the fundamental basis of our true strength, core power, and our attraction.

It is the masculine in us that chooses, based on our feminine feelings. Choice does not come without feelings, and feelings do not come without choice. The masculine and feminine in balance and harmony. A little like, "what comes first the chicken or the egg?" This has nothing to do with gender, everything to do with Soul and Spirit working together in a spiraling transcendence of growth. As all things growing do. Feelings inspire thinking, that in turn create new feelings, create new inspiration, and it goes around. Growth is halted, or stunted in one of these things being out of sync or balance. In the current world it is mostly our feelings that are lacking. This with the elevation of the masculine,(chauvinism) and the concept of, " I think. therefore I am" Placing a hierarchy where the feminine is second. She (I personify the feminine and masculine aspects for easier explaining here) would not argue with this concept or resist, because she knows you will come back around to the truth when you are ready.

The feminine is the basis for creation, the masculine,(spirit) is air, temporal and non-temporal, it comes out and is created in a moment of expansion, (movement) the feminine (space) is always first, silently always there, invisible and everywhere, all possibility and the realm of possibility reside in the space around and between. All aspects and reflections of soul. Soul so denied in this modern world, many don't even know what it is, just a vague idea about it. Even religions don't speak much about it, I think because there is so much emphasis on the masculine, they cannot talk much about it, it would dilute their ideas, (their forced institutions)

So choice is something we cannot live without, but you can survive by giving it away. We do that constantly here in America, the power of our choices have been slowly usurped. Ideas of welfare, social security, too much fear, lacking personal authority, fear of Chaos, fear of the Unknown, now the power of choice too diminished to produce change easily. Also the two primary avenues of choice being given away (unconsciously of course, the best way to in essence take it),are Church and State. They have (very early in you) created patterns where a person gives it away without actually knowing, Church taking most people's spiritual responsibilities, Government taking your physical responsibilities. Without those two, you are crippled and not even aware of it.

Roll forward to a person who is aware of this. A person who "recognizes" The first step in any change.
When you start learning to choose, you start realizing your choice has been "given" (by you) to different aspects of yourself. your Child, your Adolescent, your Fears, your Neg-Ego ( which is the culprit in most arguments and competition/comparisons), and the Critical Parent, just to name a few of the basic ones that seem out of control in our modern world. Now you have to learn "who" is taking charge, and for "what" reasons? They often will have oppositional structures built on their (your) past. Things you as the adult would think are crazy. (Fear of the dark for instance) You often don't hear this anymore in your head, but you are left with the feelings. These aspects resist change, they fear the Unknown, Chaos, they are scared, so you can get confused. Confusion is a great place to be, it tells you, there is a opportunity for growth and/or healing, (when it is used appropriately without Neg-Ego judging it is bad to be confused). So we often will not choose in these instances. The feelings of fear and confusion you are getting when you don't know where they are coming from are from other aspects not aligned with your current Self or the current choice. These aspects have been in the background running for so long, you do not hear them anymore, you only feel the feelings they generate. Since feelings are of soul and eternal, they will not go away until you can choose to heal them, that is why they are there in the first place. You cannot move without "all of yourself"

All of yourselves are real and are still feeling. Why do you think you can cry when you have thoughts about your past? It is real. Heal yourself, heal the planet. Choose your destiny, choose your dreams. See who internally resists these choices. Heal those aspects, strengthen your choice and Esteem. Power is in choice, find yours, you have it, it is just jumbled up in your past, and in learned patterns that are not serving you. It is work, but what is the alternative? You are living the alternative..

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