Friday, February 27, 2009


With all this talk of Hope, i would like to say a couple of things about hope. Hope is a very specific synergy between two distinct and powerful energies. Hope is not passive, it is a very focused and a very willed choice. It has been diminished in our society as a last ditch effort. Most people when they say the word, you can 'hear" they are not doing it, you can feel they are in a moment of desperation versus a powerful willed choice. Hope is a synergy between Expectation and Anticipation. These words are not synonyms of each other, although many might argue they are the same.
Expectation is the ability to focus on the future, "EX" meaning outside, "spect" to see. To see, to visualize your outcome. This takes patience.
Patience in the adolescent mind is waiting. Patience is not waiting, it is focused intention on what you want, until it happens. Cats are patient. Anyone who has a cat, knows what I mean. If you ever watch a cat hunt prey, it is focused, nothing else matters, it is focused intently on what it wants, in the moment, until it sees the moment and then moves.
Anticipation is knowing it will happen, realization in advance, it is in the present moment focused with intention and expectation, seeing it, knowing it will happen simultaneously. It is the behavior and action before the event, the actual participation involved before.
When you hope, know how and what you are doing. It is not a pleading for assistance, it is not self-pity, it is not begging to be delivered. It is active presence, creating a future with will and imagination, coupled with desire. Can you feel the difference in the energy? Between a person pleading to something for help, and a person with a knowing how to create, creating a visionary opening, a future of possibility, actually having fun allowing.

Sunday, February 22, 2009


I love dogs. I have been watching people a lot lately with their dogs, really missing mine. They weren't really mine, but my significant other had two which I loved like my own, which actually made no difference to any of us. I love to love. That is what I have learned about dogs, they are relatively easy to love. Not like humans for some strange reason. Humans are definitely scarier, and more difficult to love, at least they appear to be. Dogs also love so easily, unless they have been overly beaten, even they can have some trouble with that. Just their enthusiasm alone will allow me to lend my face as a human lolly pop. My dog can get in such a frenzy over licking my face, he shakes. I can overlook any smell or stickiness or my own sense of disgust, just to not hinder them, I love to allow them their freedom to love. i miss them. Makes me want to go out and get one right away.
My significant other is living in Baja, the dogs having a wonderful dog life there, they are in dog heaven. No leashes, lots of things to smell, there are no fences in Mexico. Dogs have to learn social etiquette in Mexico.
I have noticed that people really do want to love, it especially shows in dog lovers. For some crazy reason, we feel more comfortable taking care and being intimate with an animal than each other. I have a good friend who just got his first dog. He is meticulous, anal, and super judgmental of women's physical attributes, no one is good enough. he has wanted a relationship so badly, he has finally found one, a dog, vs not expressing love any longer. His dog is a shelter rescue with bad skin, infected eyes, diarrhea, worms, and he looks at that dog like it was his life partner, he is in love with this dog. The dog is on the furniture, the front seat in the car, eats from his plate,he even opens the door, picks up the dog and places her in the car. He constantly readjusts her bandanna, sits on the ground to talk to her in his 200 dollar jeans. He has overlooked any and all of his idiosyncrasies at the drop of a hat mind you, just to feel love. He is so
capable of loving and dropping
his negative judgments
If your girlfriend wasn't feeling good, would you take her immediately to the Dr, no cost too great, paid happily in cash? Would we be OK if she ripped up your favorite irreplaceable shoes? Buying only the best possible food for her? How about ruining the flowers, or the new tree just planted out back? How about breaking the controllers to the X-Box?
No matter how busy or perturbed we are we seem to have a moment for a nice greeting when we come home for the dog, but for each other? Dogs are rarely perfect, but we drop most any grievance we have with them in a matter of minutes. Regardless of how much money said incident costs us. They can even pee on most anything we own without major incident. They mess the floors, they chew anything they are able, they pee, defecate, sit in our favorite spot, they have no respect for hours or noise. If they run away we love them like crazy the minute we see them. we put up fliers two hours after we think they are missing. They never pay. They never ask for anything, except maybe to go outside. They can fart in bed and we think it's funny. We can fart and they don't notice.
All I'm saying is, we could learn a lot about loving each other just by the way we treat our dogs, it's not like we don't know how to do it, we do know how to love, do we have the courage to do that with each other, a neighbor, a stranger? i don't know about you, but I will risk it and live like that.


Daylight beckons a heart where only the mind has it's allure.
i stand circumspect, guardian of the tsunami
Fortresses are meant to be forced
so much resistance, to hold our Selves back
To find ourselves through the dissonance
Built in pain, never relinquished in time
Without walls time dances by
Perhaps they can crumble with time
Cuba's crumbling walls invalidate my breath
Weak in cloak, strong in measure
Spirit dances, searching for a feminine vestibule
I deliberately empower each stone for protection
My duty and my will is to Ardent Love
where is the prize that has eluded us all?
Perhaps buried in the ocean, motionless in changeless thought
Breath cannot survive the depth of where the dual fish may go
depth seems to allude one who chooses to fly
Freedom at any cost?
It is a choice, many do not have the courage to will
Freedom is what i offer her
she dances by on the breeze content with herself
I seem to find joy in that.

Monday, February 9, 2009

La Vida

If two people can trust each other and move and grow together as the best reflection for/of one another you can be, utilizing aspects of intimacy,(Closeness, Openness, Honesty, Trust, Loving, Caring, Privacy) just striving for that, you are able to let go of a current resistance or pattern. Love and intimacy, based on trust can allow that. If you are saying "X" to me, and I TOTALLY have an impulse to disagree, but, I also can be awake enough to truly trust and believe you are here for me, care for me, and are speaking for my greatest good, I can drop the projection, stop the current round of separation, out of my love and intimacy and trust in you. In that space I can see what to work on, based only on your word, given the significance of who you represent to me. Rather than argue point. I fully realize this. If I can't utterly trust the one I've chosen to be close to out of the 6 billion.... I have learned about and lost more of "myself" while I have been in my last relationship than at any other time in my life. I am a different person than I would have ever imagined I would be, out of love. It is time again to gather all my pieces, all my changes, all what I have learned and leap again. There is no reason to hold back, living my life in the now, focused on a future, loving fully in the moment.
I see how great love can be, I see how amazing it works when it is done fully "out" of projection, I even see how amazing it can be processing as the individual, the growth lesson love can be. The significant changes one can respond to, as you keep love open ad moving. There is nothing more confronting than love. Now I choose to be a team, this can really work, to truly free two people to be artisans of life, to live life daily, deeply entrenched in love and artistry, internally connected, sharing our external experiences to gain more knowledge to move and change. Not to be in LA-La land either, to work and create and future think, to be physical, and all the things needed to succeed physically. It gives a base of connection, a feedback system that only gets clearer as time and trust grow. I am learning, so I can do what I love, breaking rules. Of course this isn't black and white. Freedom is truly at hand.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

More is MORE, less is just LESS

People, why don't we just call a spade a spade and stop trying to be all enlightened with these concepts that are so not enlightened. Enlightenment is so many things, one thing it is NOT is living in mediocrity and calling it cool and sophisticated. Living with less is just less. It reeks of the past. Where did we get these concepts that less is more? Where did that come from? We have the capacity to have like never before, why are we negatively judging that?
It is beautiful that this is all possible. Maybe the idea came from looking at people who have SOOO much and aren't happy? (another negative judgment) Looking at the universe like resources are limited? (another one) We seem to be spending our resources at the rate of gasoline in a 1960's muscle car. The FEAR of them running out is the problem.
Hey, I'm all for conservation and doing things cleaner, but not out of a fear choice. Out of a choice to do the right thing for the right reasons. Cleaner feels better, it smells better, it looks better, at least to me. Those are reasons to change, my individual reasons. These reasons create more character, fear choices do not. Fear choices create mediocrity, bottom line. We are in a world where mediocrity is not an option, really. We as humans are not mediocre or damaged, we are amazing deeply loving beings.
Things have gone too long down a path of unawareness, that's it. The metaphor for practically everything I see is, Structure. Old structures are breaking. money system, water system, electrical system, country borders, the way financial institutions have operated for so long, medicare, social security. More and deeper decisions must be made now, change is at hand, it must be embraced and responded to. Responsibility is power, it is time to lift and be powerful. We are creating our own problems to guide us so that when we find the solutions to these, we will have found our way. They are there/here for our benefit. We are creating pressure because we are not changing elegantly, with character. We are merely using another old way of change, which is Pain and Struggle. Not doing anything until the pressure of change gets almost too great. Physical reality was never meant to be this painful. The challenge and the beauty of these actual problems are, we will be where we need to be as we solve them.
The solution is to have more and still be aware. To not abuse perhaps, even abusing things is OK now and again, as long as we recognize the abuse and change. We do that with the ones we love so often, don't we? Whether it is taking them for granted, or just being our lesser selves around them.
ALL change begins with recognition. Simple times or going back to simpler times is NOT an option. Simplicity breeds difficulty. It is searching in our past, idealizing it and throwing it out in front of us, hoping to make it better than it was. That actual past has lead us right here "X", we cannot vindicate ourselves with it, or even get there from THIS actual point. We must incorporate where we are, embrace all we have, choice deeper where we want to go, and recognize the separation we keep creating. So much of the Oneness, "One world" idea stems from this, creating separation is part of an old paradigm. We are realizing we need to take a much grander viewpoint of our impact. Negative Judgment separates, and causes pain. We cannot Negatively Judge ourselves, that has not worked, ever. Motivating ourselves out of how lowly we are, attempting to manipulate god into taking pity on us. We seem to not take the responsibility nearly enough and to stop doing it, STOP Negatively Judging. Even the fact I am writing to you, and telling you this is a negative judgment, it gets rather complex. Ideally I must change internally and not tell anyone they are wrong, bad or anything that creates separation. Otherwise I contribute to/in the old pattern. One at a time we must remove oursleves and the standing wave will collapse, it is the law of resonance. We are moving into a greater level of complexity, simplicity will create huge problems here. I don't think anyone can even buy a Television without a remote control. this is a complex device that makes our lives simpler, but it is in no way simple. This is where we need to move.... More to come

Monday, February 2, 2009

Super Bowl

Last night was the most exciting Super Bowl i have ever watched. The game went back and forth in a way that i really imagined he game to go, just like virtual reality! i did not have any real affinity for either team, one way or another. One thing I generally do in any event of competition, which can drive some people bonkers, is to root for whomever is down at the time, whether it is my team or not. What makes a game great to me, is watching someone do what it takes to be in the lead again. I focus my attention to where it is needed to make the game exciting and fun. I do not adhere to "either or realities", Black and White is the type of thinking that has generated the types of issues we are dealing with in the world right now. Oneness will be about incorporating everything in a complex way, simple solutions are a thing of the past. I practice manifesting what I want, as I watch the game, I enjoy that. Plus,it really is a great way to have conversations about the way people perceive competition. It almost always gets some kind of attention when people can't decide whom you are for. You end up  really enjoying the game, fully.  You are actually rooting for both teams simultaneously. I mean shouldn't we? Couldn't we? To have a GREAT game from both sides. Not with a singular focus of will in an attempt to control, although I do want my team to win.

 I wanted the Cardinals to win, mostly because of Kurt Warner's story. He has been living his dream... I love that. He was a baggage clerk at a grocery store not long ago, when someone told him to follow his dream, and he did, becoming an NFL quarterback. He has won two NFL MVP titles and two super bowl appearances. The second one after being drafted a somewhat washed up second-string quarterback. I am all about people living their dreams; I am committed to helping people do that. Competition has been twisted to be a game of domination, not what sports were originally intended to be, one of personal dominion. Domination being, getting inside someone's head attempting to shake them, even cheating (can you believe they cover their mouths when giving plays!) in hopes of causing them to make a mistake, to advance their odds of winning. Winning by a mistake is not winning; it is basically coming in first. That is not a win. Chauvinism has elevated being #1 above all else. Being first no matter what. The "ends justifies the means" mentality. This is a total lack of character. 

This is not a victory of triumph or character. A victory of triumph and character is a win (or a loss) where you were lifted to another level by the very competition itself; you superseded yourself because of them and their efforts. In these situations, even if you a loss occurs your self-esteem is lifted as well as your respect for your respect and appreciation for opponent. You want them to do great, you encourage them to do great because of what it will offer you in the process, this is a win, win before you even start. You won by being more than you previously were, maybe ever, based in who they are being in the moment, competition it is truly a dance. The better they are, the better you can be.  Competition based in a way that you would have utter respect of/for your competitor. You want him/her in the best possible place. Domination never offers this type of competition. It does not build character or esteem, it is just one over another. Chauvinism has warped competition on these times. Harrison, with his personal foul in the 4rth quarter was the old paradigm in place. How did it feel watching him pushing that guy on his back multiple times on the instant replay? In my opinion he should have been ejected from the stadium. It was really difficult for me to drop my negative judgement and root for the Steelers after that display, but I got over it pretty quickly.
There is a new possibility for  the best of competition. This encouraging, enriching, mentality is what can lift our future leaders and athletes to new and lofty goals, positive reinforcement building of character and support from Both sides. Team effort extending well beyond the team. All records will eventually get broken. They are a function of reality creation tools at work. We create a future against the back-drop of a past. Our future creates the present. These tools are, Desire, Expectation and Imagination. These are how we do it. When a young person is watching someone excel, they are desiring doing that thing, they are imagining themselves doing it, they are expecting to do it, after all they did it, I can too! That is why records will be beaten and surpassed. That is one of the graces of being a human being. Growing, changing superceding with and for the fun of it.
I wish Warner could have pulled it off in the end.... "-)