Friday, February 27, 2009


With all this talk of Hope, i would like to say a couple of things about hope. Hope is a very specific synergy between two distinct and powerful energies. Hope is not passive, it is a very focused and a very willed choice. It has been diminished in our society as a last ditch effort. Most people when they say the word, you can 'hear" they are not doing it, you can feel they are in a moment of desperation versus a powerful willed choice. Hope is a synergy between Expectation and Anticipation. These words are not synonyms of each other, although many might argue they are the same.
Expectation is the ability to focus on the future, "EX" meaning outside, "spect" to see. To see, to visualize your outcome. This takes patience.
Patience in the adolescent mind is waiting. Patience is not waiting, it is focused intention on what you want, until it happens. Cats are patient. Anyone who has a cat, knows what I mean. If you ever watch a cat hunt prey, it is focused, nothing else matters, it is focused intently on what it wants, in the moment, until it sees the moment and then moves.
Anticipation is knowing it will happen, realization in advance, it is in the present moment focused with intention and expectation, seeing it, knowing it will happen simultaneously. It is the behavior and action before the event, the actual participation involved before.
When you hope, know how and what you are doing. It is not a pleading for assistance, it is not self-pity, it is not begging to be delivered. It is active presence, creating a future with will and imagination, coupled with desire. Can you feel the difference in the energy? Between a person pleading to something for help, and a person with a knowing how to create, creating a visionary opening, a future of possibility, actually having fun allowing.

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