Monday, February 2, 2009

Super Bowl

Last night was the most exciting Super Bowl i have ever watched. The game went back and forth in a way that i really imagined he game to go, just like virtual reality! i did not have any real affinity for either team, one way or another. One thing I generally do in any event of competition, which can drive some people bonkers, is to root for whomever is down at the time, whether it is my team or not. What makes a game great to me, is watching someone do what it takes to be in the lead again. I focus my attention to where it is needed to make the game exciting and fun. I do not adhere to "either or realities", Black and White is the type of thinking that has generated the types of issues we are dealing with in the world right now. Oneness will be about incorporating everything in a complex way, simple solutions are a thing of the past. I practice manifesting what I want, as I watch the game, I enjoy that. Plus,it really is a great way to have conversations about the way people perceive competition. It almost always gets some kind of attention when people can't decide whom you are for. You end up  really enjoying the game, fully.  You are actually rooting for both teams simultaneously. I mean shouldn't we? Couldn't we? To have a GREAT game from both sides. Not with a singular focus of will in an attempt to control, although I do want my team to win.

 I wanted the Cardinals to win, mostly because of Kurt Warner's story. He has been living his dream... I love that. He was a baggage clerk at a grocery store not long ago, when someone told him to follow his dream, and he did, becoming an NFL quarterback. He has won two NFL MVP titles and two super bowl appearances. The second one after being drafted a somewhat washed up second-string quarterback. I am all about people living their dreams; I am committed to helping people do that. Competition has been twisted to be a game of domination, not what sports were originally intended to be, one of personal dominion. Domination being, getting inside someone's head attempting to shake them, even cheating (can you believe they cover their mouths when giving plays!) in hopes of causing them to make a mistake, to advance their odds of winning. Winning by a mistake is not winning; it is basically coming in first. That is not a win. Chauvinism has elevated being #1 above all else. Being first no matter what. The "ends justifies the means" mentality. This is a total lack of character. 

This is not a victory of triumph or character. A victory of triumph and character is a win (or a loss) where you were lifted to another level by the very competition itself; you superseded yourself because of them and their efforts. In these situations, even if you a loss occurs your self-esteem is lifted as well as your respect for your respect and appreciation for opponent. You want them to do great, you encourage them to do great because of what it will offer you in the process, this is a win, win before you even start. You won by being more than you previously were, maybe ever, based in who they are being in the moment, competition it is truly a dance. The better they are, the better you can be.  Competition based in a way that you would have utter respect of/for your competitor. You want him/her in the best possible place. Domination never offers this type of competition. It does not build character or esteem, it is just one over another. Chauvinism has warped competition on these times. Harrison, with his personal foul in the 4rth quarter was the old paradigm in place. How did it feel watching him pushing that guy on his back multiple times on the instant replay? In my opinion he should have been ejected from the stadium. It was really difficult for me to drop my negative judgement and root for the Steelers after that display, but I got over it pretty quickly.
There is a new possibility for  the best of competition. This encouraging, enriching, mentality is what can lift our future leaders and athletes to new and lofty goals, positive reinforcement building of character and support from Both sides. Team effort extending well beyond the team. All records will eventually get broken. They are a function of reality creation tools at work. We create a future against the back-drop of a past. Our future creates the present. These tools are, Desire, Expectation and Imagination. These are how we do it. When a young person is watching someone excel, they are desiring doing that thing, they are imagining themselves doing it, they are expecting to do it, after all they did it, I can too! That is why records will be beaten and surpassed. That is one of the graces of being a human being. Growing, changing superceding with and for the fun of it.
I wish Warner could have pulled it off in the end.... "-)

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